Saturday, May 12, 2012

gift from my hubby

thank u very much Sayang

for the gift of new samsung galaxy smart phone for me. Owh, i appreciate it very much! Love, love, love and lots of love for u :) Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki syg selalu dan berjaya meraih cita-cita yg diimpikan.. all the best on your Phd studies, u will always have my full support syg!

And.... thank u so very much for the weekends treat on Playmobil Fun Park at Nürnberg on yesterdays trip. Both ayman & azzan enjoyed and have fun at the theme park, - climbing, main air, berakit, boating and lots more activities for children. Eh no, ibu & abah ayman & azzan pun naik rakit sekali, hahahhahha. everybody on the boat.

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