Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HeLLoooo Friedrichshafen

we're invited by one of our friends, - Lay Sean- to her housewarming party at Friedrichshafen on the next saturday, 15th march.

guest were served with ayam masak cola, sayur campur, begedil, puding jagung, kek buah, fruits, juices, etc -
hehe, on that day, saya agak kelam- kabut juga laa buat agar-agar marble untuk dibawa ke sana.
Kerana kesuntukan masa utk sejukkan agar2 dlm freeze, so saya pun buka tingkap besar2 dan sejukkan agar2 tu kat tepi tingkap (thanks to the cool weather)

birthday lay sean jatuhnya pd 13th march, iaitu 2 hari lps- suriani pula the birthday girl (15/03)
so saya nak ambil kesempatan ni utk wish happy birthday kat mereka berdua.
smg pjg umur, murah rezeki...aminnnnn

okeh, slps acara makan2 di rumah Lay Sean, kami pun beramai2 jalan di tepi tasik Friedrichshafen (constance lake)

aha, masa kami sampai jer kat tasik ni, pemandangan banjaran alps dapat dilihat dengan jelas sekali. tp sygnya, bila ambik gambar, x nampak pula..wuaaaaaa :(

another style..ni tgh berhati2 sbb takut terjatuh atas batu
1, 2, 3 - shot! us with all the gud friends - suriani, roslin, shah, shafiqe, lan, kelvin

makan ice-cream di tepi tasik (boleh tahan sejuk juga laaa makan kat luar kedai ni)-
sian kat hubby, dia x der kat dlm photo ni sbbnya busy ambik gambar kami makan2
this photo was taken by roslin. thanx ya!


helloooooooooo... assalamualaikum, ape khabar?
sajelah nak tanya khabar, harap2 semuanya dlm keadaan sihat selalu.

hmm, we'd spent our weekend on saturday, 8th march to CONSTANZE, which is about 2 hours by train from ulm.

ni nak cerita sikit ttg tasik yang terbesar di german, iaitu lake constance. It is also the third largest lake in central europe after lake balaton in hungary and lake geneva, and also the second largest of the lakes bordering the Alps.

pemandangan di lake constanze ni sangatlah cantik, cuba tengok gambar2 kat bawah ni.

perfect weather, perfect landscape, perfect lake @ beach( mcm laut pun ada tasik ni), perfect everything

mula-mula sampai kat constance, macam x percaya pun ade sbbnya tasik ni besar sangat - saya rasa mcm berada kat tepi laut jer. fresh air, beautiful landscape, relaxing atmosphere :)