Friday, March 7, 2008

...cerita saya...

I am back to my laptop. The time now is 4.53 pm.

Initially i am thinking of finishing a story book that I bought since last 2 weeks, ~ The other side of the story, written by Marian Keyes. Tp tiba2 jd malas pulak dah eh nak baca buku.

Hubby keeps on complaining - "Dari minggu lepas lg saya tgk sarah asyik baca buku tu, muka surat tak byk berubah pun, x der improvement!".

so i responsed back to him, "ha...saya kene menghayati buku ni, nak kene bayangkan watak Gemma & her mum, therefore i've to read it up again & again, baru betul2 faham."

~ I always keep on telling myself, "on whatever u read, u must read until u understand" ~

Kalau sekadar membaca jer, x faham, buat ape, betul tak?

So, ape yg saya nak buat ni? Masa ni org lain tentunya tgh sibuk study, baca lecture notes, jurnal itu ini, buat assignment, study utk exams... saya? Sibuk update blog??

....mmm...Let me start my story today with snow in ulm.

It was snow in Ulm on the past few days. Can u believe that? I thought March is allready spring, but then ulm is still in winter mood ~ temperature is always freezing cold at 1, 2 , 3 degrees most of the time!

That day, we're walking freely under the snow. It seems like in Japanese drama -- winter sonata.

I asked hubby to take some photos, but then he just smiled and said “Mcm mana nak ambik gambar, kiter kan x der flash , snow mane boleh nampak mlm2 ni dlm gambar….”

Oh dear, I am getting mad at him already.

“Apesal pulak nak tunggu flash baru boleh ambil gambar?”

Actually he had been asking for my permission to buy a camera flash.
We'd been surveyed the flash at few camera shops in ulm, dan dlm byk2 flash kat kedai tu, he is very interested with one of the flash. NIKON CAMERA FLASH worth 350 euros!!

It is damp expensive and out of our budget. Apparently, the answer is NO-

Kesian kat hubby, dia mmg x senang duduk sejak sy beritahu x leh beli flash camera tu. Nak buat mcm mana syg, mahal is not worth to spend 350 euros for a camera flash!? am i right?

It is hard to say no to him …

Dia sgt minat
dgn photography - camera, lenses, are all his best friends. Tiap2 malam, after we'd our dinner, dia mesti duduk kat meja study, belajar utk edit gambar2 kami kat Photoshop...

He'd spend few hours in front
of the laptop just to edit the photos! Betapa minat & sukanya dia pd photography ni...

Well…sabar sikit yer SYG…mesti ade second hand flash camera kat ebay…kalau murah & masih berkualiti, kiter beli, ok?