Tuesday, November 27, 2012

salam and good day

My dear blog visitors and readers, pls forgive me for neglecting this blog for quite some time. I am super duper occupied recently, hardly have time to sit comfortably in front of computer. Will write on our life update when i have ample time insyaAllah.

At the time i'm writing this post, both ayman and azzan are sitting on the sofa... keep on requesting me to read them books, and my ayam masak lemak cili api is on the stove.. multitasking mom eh? hahahhahaha. their father will come back in 2 hours time.. ok, time to clear up the messiness in the living room, nak gi lipat kain settling laundry and prepare dinner. bye for now...

Liebe Grusse, sarah - the kelam kabut chaotic mom :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

busy me

Assalamualaikum and good day

I am currently working on avis case on the denying of damage car scratch claim. We rented a car recently from avis and they claimed that their is a scratch at the car upon returning. Stress, sad and disappointed okay, they accused on something is not our mistake.. I am filing complaints against Avis. Malas nak cerita panjang-panjang, pening kepala. To cut it short, i will meet their bos tomorrow. Ya Allah, pls guide and help me, aminn.

Liebe Grusse, sarah

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

from my little kitchen

Assalamualaikum and good day All,

Ladies and gentlemen, i'm presenting u some home made food that i prepared from my small kitchen.

Bihun sup ala bakso...makan panas2, nak sedap, tipsnya masak sup kene guna air rebusan daging yg bertulang. i got this tip from yulie, my indonesian friend. Bakso yulie memang sedap tak leh lawan ok. Semasa nak hidang tu, u all bolehlah taburkan bawang goreng rangup dan juga hirisan daun saderi, nak pedas sikit, boleh letak sambal kicap atau cili hijau potong... the result?  wah lah... comfirm sedap, makan bertambah.menu sihat, berkhasiat utk seisi keluarga.

Ni pula, mee rebus johor favourite my hubby nazri, mmg dia suka sangat makan mee rebus ni... nak sedap, tipsnya kene blend udang kering dan juga serai utk mewangikan kuah. Again, masak dgn daging yer tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian. Keledek tu pula lepas rebus, blend atau lenyek utk jadikan kuahnya pekat. memang sedap ok? No santan, no cholestrol, sihat berkhasiat. Try it ladies and gentlemen, hidangkan dengan telor rebus, hirisan daun saderi, bawang goreng, cili hijau potong...

Another mee (ok, i alternate the spagetti to turn into mee kuning) from my kitchen, this time around i cooked mee bandung...  I prefer to put as much vege in my cooking menu to make it colourful, cantik, jd berselerah utk makan...

Sekarang ni tengah musim jagung di German. Balik jer dr Lidl Supermarket di Neu Ulm hari tu, i straight away rebus jagu. hah...resepinya senang, rebus jagung bersama garam sampai air rebusan jagung tu kekuningan. Tinggal jer dlm periuk dlm 2 jam mcm tu, tp nak kene selalu tambah air.. I prefer the soften corn, tak bestlah makan jagung rebus yg keras2, sakit gigi nak gigit nanti. I can say that Deutschland corns are big and sweet, syukur alhamdulillah.Serve with butter, thats it.

Raya cookies baked from my oven.. I made tat nenas gebu, my style... i tak reti nak gulung yer tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian, ehhehehehhe. Bahan2nya pun senang, jam nenas bought at Kaufland Supermarket, to make the jam pekat sikit, i put some corn flour supaya jam tu tak berair sangat. (Thank u umi for the tips) I made tat nenas with the help of my hubby nazri, ayman and azzan.(Everybody involved in raya cookies project) Susah sikitlah buat biskut dgn ade anak kecik lg ni, thing can be done in short period but it dragged and delayed dgn ayman n azzan nak main tepung semua, cleaning up the messiness ended up lambat nak siap... hahahhahahah .. apapun, this is the end result, not bad kan? hari ni buat, 2 hari lps tu dah habis licin. habih gomo blako ko pok2 ni...hahahhahaa

Above is my biskut nestum.. sangat sedap, rangup, menu sihat & berkhasiat...cepat betul habis.. hehehehhehe.
Nasi impit and kuah kacang... makan pula dengan sup sayur cendawan capur..But i dont care, i prefer my menu to be served with vegetables, tak kisahlah sup sayur ker, sayur rebus ker, sayur celor jer ker, salad /ulam-ulaman, timun/ tomato hiris ker, yg penting kene ade Sayur... Barulah menu sihat, berkhasiat. Tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian, jom kita amalkan cara pemakanan sihat supaya badan cergas, bertenaga, kulit pun cantik dan dijauhkan dpd penyakit. Not to forget, to look younger than our age.

Jika tuan-puan sekalian selalu menjamu selera di luar, sesekali tu seimbangkanlah dgn home made food. I'm sure home made food ni lebih bersih cara penyediaannya. Sudah tentunya kita masak pun dengan bahan mentah yg segar dan berkualiti. Lets nurture ourself to eat healthily, practising happy and healthy lifestyle.
Until next updates insyaAllah, liebe Grüße, sarah

Monday, August 27, 2012

panic me!

when i woke up todays morning, i saw more than 10 miss calls from sofia's house and hp number. our close neighbour in einsingen, ayman's best friend sofia is coming over in 2 hours to our guest apartment in wiblingen. i will update more later... am thinking to bring her and my kids to wonnemar open air swimming pool. naik bas yer tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian, hehehehehe. bye for now.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

cycling trip to Allgau

my dear readers, here are some snapshot photos of our cycling trip expedition to Allgau... perfect weather, perfect landscapes, perfect view, green nature, SubhanaAllah everything is so beautiful... we were on Syawal short trip getaway in a long distance cycling expedition from Ulm to Kempten in Allgau.

i will write more when i have ample time okay? both my kids ayman n azzan are forcing me to open their super simple songs in youtube.. see? this computer seems no longer belong to me, semua ayman n azzan nak guna okay?? children nowadays are mostly computer literate eh, ahhahahahaa.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

lunch with lasagna and rendang

Today i cooked lasagna fresh from my Neff oven and its done serving for my 2 kids. Habis separuh tray, senang hati mama ayman okay, ehhehehehhe. Later in the afternoon, i will drag ayman n azzan to uni, turun naik bas sending lunch bekal for their abah, isteri mithali huh??  For my hubby, I cooked sup sayur campur with rendang ayam, mkn dgn basmati rice. I alternate my rendang ayam recipe, instead of using santan, i used condensed milk from Algäu, like what sheila rusli mentioned from her well known ketuk-ketuk ramadhan programme, condensed milk contained less cholestrol, less fat. Ladies and gentlemen, let us practise & maintain healthy lifestyle in our cooking menu.

ok thats all for todays update. Another busy week for me.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

my story

Please forgive me for abandoning this blog for quite some time.

My hubby nazri keeps on complaining - 'sarah, why your blog ni suram jer?' ni hah, nak beritahu.... boleh jer update blog hari2, ade syarat dia...  i x nak masak, no baking cakes for u after works, pinggan mangkuk semua dlm sink x payah basuh,  no regular groceries shopping mkn jer ape yg ade dlm kabinet, no laundry, anak2 tak terjaga, tak der aktiviti sbb mama dia duduk depan komputer jer, dok update blog. boleh ker mcm tu? Sometimes, i wonder, how the active bloggers spend their life time, sitting in front on computers berjam-jam lamanya. I have piled of works to do. Cooking, cleaning the dishes, laundry, house cleaning, handling 2 small children, doing grocery shopping, tu belum lagi cakap turun naik bas gi kelas bahasa german kat vhs ulm. busy mom okay? i have less time for myself, nak mandi pun tak leh lebih 10 minits.  Inikan pula nak duduk 2-3 jam write up on blogs.  I dont know on other people, but for me, to generate ideas on writing i have to be in a good mood, good environment, good time. Bukan terkejar-kejar dgn anak and household chores.

Okay, lets the story begin.... I am  quite busy and occupied recently- first and foremost, serabut kepala with searching one after another apartments, the process started by contacting  housing agencies, read and look after rental housing advertisement in the website and local newspapers, i also made few appointments to view the potential apartments, dealing with housing agents and potential landlords and so on & on... pening kepala okay?  To cut it short, syukur alhamdulillah we managed to get a comfortable apartment and within our budget in Illertissen. We signed the rental agreements on last week and planning to move in by next Sept. So Tschuss univ guest house in wiblingen, selamat datang to our new apartment in Illertissen :)

I am starting up with my simple home preschooling lesson plans with ayman & azzan. Among the activities are arts & crafts works, paintings, drawings, Iqraq reading book 1, learning on ABC Alphabets letters & 123 numbering, singing super simple songs and outdoor activities. Ladies and gentlemen, lets nurture our children from early age to be all rounder achiever. Everything start at home.
Their playgroup & kids gymnastics sport will start again next September. German is now on long 5-6 weeks summer holidays. Therefore, most kindergarten, playgroups, schools are closed. I have registered Ayman at Illertissen St Martin Kindergarten but he is still on waiting list. As an alternative, i enrolled Ayman & Azzan on English Play Group session at Fbs Ulm. Mahal sikitlah compared to German Play Group session tapi nak buat mcm mana, parents will always want their children to have the best exposure and learning environment kan.

I try as much as i can to plan on our household financial budget  (we are only depending on one man income - my hubby) so that we are not spending unnecessarily. I am practicing what i learn in uni days, economics goal is trying to minimize the cost and maximizing profit and satisfaction. so ladies and gentlemen, lets minimize the economics inefficiency.  Therefore our top priority expenditure will be on foods, home rentals, public transport on our monthly ticket bus, some allocation of money on childrens (pampers, milk, playgroup, kids gymnastics  & swimming course fees, hobbies and activities). In that sense, have to let go and  delay  my own wants. Beli apa yg perlu sahaja tetapi dalam masa yg sama, within our budget constrain, i try as much as i can so that our family can have a good and quality lifestyle. 

While waiting for both ayman & azzan with their paintings activities, i would like to share some of our summer activities with my family & friends. Let photos tell thousand words. Until then, best wishes..sarah.

 art & crafts works, leaves with water colour paintings

the messiness of kids outdoor work stationbut its worth the effort. try it ladies n gentlemen, your kids will love paintings

 part of their hands paintings, of course with the help of mama

 ayman passion on memory cards puzzle at ulm city library

me with my 2 years old azzan

  dropping by at the strawberry farm in nersingen, part of our cycling trip in june 2012

 bringing the kids walking along the jungle and to the Iller River behind Kloster Wiblingen. About 15-20 minutes walk from our guest apartment.

 azzan throwing stones to the river, so beautiful weather, beautiful clean river, green trees, nature is the best medicine!

taking photo with the background of purple lavender flowers in Neu Ulm, it refresh my sweet memory during our short holiday trip in Aix en Provence South France in November 2011. Provence is so famous for their lavender landscape. 

i have so so many photos to share. dah malas dah nak write up on photos caption. ok bye2 for now... assalamualaikum & tschuss...