Saturday, January 16, 2010

life is so difficult

its winter, its very very verrry cold. today in ulm it shows -8 degrees. hardly for us to see the

light of sun. the sky is dark & gloomy, and in some ways, it will effects our mood for the whole day.

thinking of this, i am feeling very blessed, sangat-sangat bersyukur dgn malaysia. i miss home, miss the perfect weather in malaysia.

alhamdulillah i am feeling much better on this second pregnancy. less tiring, less morning sickness & just few times of krem kaki tgh2 mlm. serius sakit, mcm nak nangis pun ade.

ayman is still dgn sifat manja dia that makes me smile the whole day. of course he has his not in a good mood time but i am adapting to it. mula2 tu mmg stress bila dia asyik nangis aje tp lama2 ok. kalau ayman nangis2, tu tanda dia lapar, penat, x cukup tidur atau nak minum susu atau pun pampers dia basah. i am curious and a bit worried about ayman's weight because he seems very light compared to other babies at his age. nak bg ayman makan ape lg yer??

ok, tu jer lah nak update kali ni. i have no interesting story to share :( shade...