My family's blog: our life updates - Nazri Nasir & Sarah Azreen & Ayman & Azzan
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Now i'm pressured
I think i'm feeling very stress and pressure now. i think i just want to go somewhere to release my stress. lani fikiran tengah berserabut :(
Friday, December 18, 2009
Salam Maal Hijrah 1431 H
to all my Muslim readers, Salam Maal Hijrah.
Semoga tahun baru 1431H ini membawa seribu rahmat & penuh keberkatan kepada kita semua, aminnn.
pada zaman sekolah rendah dulu, saya pagi2 lagi dah bangun nak ikut rombongan sekolah utk perarakan maal hijrah awal muharam di padang merdeka, kuching. seronok sgt masa tu eh.
masuk sekolah menengah pulak, join pertandingan nasyid.. bernasyidlah kami ramai2 atas pentas dewan sekolah. yg best di smsk ni, cikgu2 & student sama2 organize aktiviti. mcm2 lah aktivitinya, tak tersebut..hehehe... sambutan hari guru, maulidur rasul, hari sukan, hari anugerah cemerlang, etc... aaah, bila teringat time2 sekolah dulu, saya jd rindu sgt pd kenangan d smsk, lama tuuu..1996-2000. kawan2 semuanya baik2 dan dah mcm adik-beradik. 5 years in boarding school really makes us so closed.
for our son, ahmad ayman nasaie, ibu mendoakan semoga membesar menjadi anak yg saleh, sihat dan bijaksana, aminnn.
for my husband, all the best in your studies. belajar rajin-rajin syg! serajin yg mungkin! Winner never quits, Quitter never wins! u will always have my full support.
anyway, here is a song of Maal Hijrah for us to ponder...
to all my Muslim readers, Salam Maal Hijrah.
Semoga tahun baru 1431H ini membawa seribu rahmat & penuh keberkatan kepada kita semua, aminnn.
pada zaman sekolah rendah dulu, saya pagi2 lagi dah bangun nak ikut rombongan sekolah utk perarakan maal hijrah awal muharam di padang merdeka, kuching. seronok sgt masa tu eh.
masuk sekolah menengah pulak, join pertandingan nasyid.. bernasyidlah kami ramai2 atas pentas dewan sekolah. yg best di smsk ni, cikgu2 & student sama2 organize aktiviti. mcm2 lah aktivitinya, tak tersebut..hehehe... sambutan hari guru, maulidur rasul, hari sukan, hari anugerah cemerlang, etc... aaah, bila teringat time2 sekolah dulu, saya jd rindu sgt pd kenangan d smsk, lama tuuu..1996-2000. kawan2 semuanya baik2 dan dah mcm adik-beradik. 5 years in boarding school really makes us so closed.
for our son, ahmad ayman nasaie, ibu mendoakan semoga membesar menjadi anak yg saleh, sihat dan bijaksana, aminnn.
for my husband, all the best in your studies. belajar rajin-rajin syg! serajin yg mungkin! Winner never quits, Quitter never wins! u will always have my full support.
anyway, here is a song of Maal Hijrah for us to ponder...
Satu Muharam detik permulaan,
perkiraan tahun Islam Hijrah,
perpindahan nabi dan umat Islam,
dari Kota Mekah ke Kota Madinah.
Atas keyakinan dan iman yang teguh,
kaum Muhajirin dan Ansar bersatu,
rela berkorban harta dan nyawa,
demi menegakkan Islam tercinta.
Hijrah itu pengorbanan,
Hijrah itu perjuangan,
Hijrah itu persaudaraan,
Hijrah membentuk perpaduan.
Oleh itu mari semua,
kita sambut Maal Hijrah,
tingkatkan semangat,
tegakkan syiar Islam,
untuk sepanjang zaman
perkiraan tahun Islam Hijrah,
perpindahan nabi dan umat Islam,
dari Kota Mekah ke Kota Madinah.
Atas keyakinan dan iman yang teguh,
kaum Muhajirin dan Ansar bersatu,
rela berkorban harta dan nyawa,
demi menegakkan Islam tercinta.
Hijrah itu pengorbanan,
Hijrah itu perjuangan,
Hijrah itu persaudaraan,
Hijrah membentuk perpaduan.
Oleh itu mari semua,
kita sambut Maal Hijrah,
tingkatkan semangat,
tegakkan syiar Islam,
untuk sepanjang zaman
owh yes, i am on 3 weeks holiday until January... begin to miss my classmates, my best friends, elma, maki, abeer ...
in this 3 weeks, i will make use the time to study for theoretical driving test. this is my second time repeating the test! nak cakap susah, x juga...nak cakap senang, mcm susah... its ok, i will study more this time.... tak tahan hidup turun naik bas, tukar tram, tunggu bas masa winter ni...sejuk giler! kalau pass, syukur alhamdulillah..dan kami boleh plan utk beli small second hand car here. tp kalau x pass lg, sampai bila2 laaa kami sekeluarga turun naik bas/ tramp..
yeay, we r heading to Rome, Italy tonight for 4 days and 3 nights holiday. tak sabar ni nak jalan2 historical city of Rome, nanti saya update gambar terbaru kami sekeluarga yer. i always wanted to upload the photos, but semua gambar masih dlm camera lg.. sejak dtg ulm ni, jarang2 dah ambik gambar... semua busy, kecuali ayman.. dia jer yg ade byk masa lapang, rajin tgk kartoon & main2 while we r busying settling things... heheheee
Best regards,
sarah... ibu ayman
1 Muharam 1431 H
in this 3 weeks, i will make use the time to study for theoretical driving test. this is my second time repeating the test! nak cakap susah, x juga...nak cakap senang, mcm susah... its ok, i will study more this time.... tak tahan hidup turun naik bas, tukar tram, tunggu bas masa winter ni...sejuk giler! kalau pass, syukur alhamdulillah..dan kami boleh plan utk beli small second hand car here. tp kalau x pass lg, sampai bila2 laaa kami sekeluarga turun naik bas/ tramp..
yeay, we r heading to Rome, Italy tonight for 4 days and 3 nights holiday. tak sabar ni nak jalan2 historical city of Rome, nanti saya update gambar terbaru kami sekeluarga yer. i always wanted to upload the photos, but semua gambar masih dlm camera lg.. sejak dtg ulm ni, jarang2 dah ambik gambar... semua busy, kecuali ayman.. dia jer yg ade byk masa lapang, rajin tgk kartoon & main2 while we r busying settling things... heheheee
Best regards,
sarah... ibu ayman
1 Muharam 1431 H
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
ayman at 1 year
salam & good day all
i guess it has been almost a year since i last update on this blog. many things has happened that makes me didn't know how i want to start.
well, our son Ayman has turn 1 year yesterday. i just cant believe how fast time fly.
at 1 year, he has 4 front teeths, speak at his own language, campur2 sikit bahasa melayu, english, deutsch & kecek kelate... i noticed his first few words are - dah, entah, tak nak, tata and lalalallalalalaa.
everyday i teach him to say 'ibu''ibu'ibu'. but until now, there is no sign of ayman calling me ibu. tak per, i will wait for the time to come.
ayman eats and plays a lot. right now, instead of porridge i alternate his food to rice. senang cerita, nasi dgn lauk pauk with meats, fish & vege.
ayman suka tepuk tangan bila dengar lagu2 nursery rhymes kat youtube.
ayman belum boleh berjalan elok lagi, need to hold at the wall, the chair, the table, the cabinet
ayman lani laju naik tangga, tp turun tangga belum mahir lagi.
one thing for sure, ayman suka sepah-sepahkan rumah.
ok, thats all i can think of for now. till next updates.
love, ibu ayman
i guess it has been almost a year since i last update on this blog. many things has happened that makes me didn't know how i want to start.
well, our son Ayman has turn 1 year yesterday. i just cant believe how fast time fly.
at 1 year, he has 4 front teeths, speak at his own language, campur2 sikit bahasa melayu, english, deutsch & kecek kelate... i noticed his first few words are - dah, entah, tak nak, tata and lalalallalalalaa.
everyday i teach him to say 'ibu''ibu'ibu'. but until now, there is no sign of ayman calling me ibu. tak per, i will wait for the time to come.
ayman eats and plays a lot. right now, instead of porridge i alternate his food to rice. senang cerita, nasi dgn lauk pauk with meats, fish & vege.
ayman suka tepuk tangan bila dengar lagu2 nursery rhymes kat youtube.
ayman belum boleh berjalan elok lagi, need to hold at the wall, the chair, the table, the cabinet
ayman lani laju naik tangga, tp turun tangga belum mahir lagi.
one thing for sure, ayman suka sepah-sepahkan rumah.
ok, thats all i can think of for now. till next updates.
love, ibu ayman
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Financial Tips - Live within your means
Lesson learn from the film- Confessions of a Shopaholic, based on a best selling novel by Sophie Kinsella.
Always abide to this principle, live within your means.
As long you do that, you will be just fine.
Don't make it as a habit for you to stretch your budget on whatever purpose.
Stop spending your money on things you cannot afford.
As long you do that, you will be just fine.
Don't make it as a habit for you to stretch your budget on whatever purpose.
Stop spending your money on things you cannot afford.
Tribute to hubby
Mountains and seas of thank you to you my love, for being such a wonderful husband.
Being with you is a bliss, and such a blessedness.
Thank you Allah for this great man. You made me a better person, sayang.
And for all that you are, I love you with all my heart and soul.
InsyaAllah, with His blessings, we'll have loads more of happy years together, aminnnnn
Being with you is a bliss, and such a blessedness.
Thank you Allah for this great man. You made me a better person, sayang.
And for all that you are, I love you with all my heart and soul.
InsyaAllah, with His blessings, we'll have loads more of happy years together, aminnnnn
Monday, March 30, 2009
spring cleaning
my weekend activity -
1. basuh bilik air atas & bawah
2. bersihkan peti sejuk
3. mopping
4. cleaning the kitchen
5. laundry and
6. ironing his kemeja for the whole week
yahooooooooooo, hati senang fikiran lapang bila rumah bersih & teratur (^_^)
1. basuh bilik air atas & bawah
2. bersihkan peti sejuk
3. mopping
4. cleaning the kitchen
5. laundry and
6. ironing his kemeja for the whole week
yahooooooooooo, hati senang fikiran lapang bila rumah bersih & teratur (^_^)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
ayman @ 2 months
just a little bit update about ayman, the apple of my eyes ~
at 2 months ayman has developed new habits and skills. its amazing to watch him grow everyday.
He can smile! He’s smiled before but now he smiles for a reason. He smiles whenever he’s happy, when we talk to him, make a funny face. Seronok sgt tgk dia senyum2... geram eh!
Ayman loves when people talk to him. Kalau siapa rajin layan bercakap2 dgn dia, he stares back intently listening to what we say to him.
Ayman can talk his own language! my hubby suka ikut ape yg ayman ckp, hahahhaaa
Ayman tidur meniarap. Trend tidur meniarap ni tok mi ayman yg ajarkan. Kalau tidur terlentang sekejap dah bgn balik. Tapi kalau tidur meniarap lena dia tidur.
At first saya takut nak bagi dia tidur meniarap takut dia tersembam muka. But now I am not so worried sbb dia pandai angkat2 kepala pusing kiri kanan to find his own comfortable position.
Ayman loves bath time. Esp when saya mandikan while talking to him. Dia pun berkocak2 la dlm air tu dgn muka happy while looking at me.
He is very well behaved! Seriously, taking care of him is so easy. Alhamdulillah.
Of course he has his bad days sometimes, but most of the time mmg baik je dia. Takde meraung2 out of the blue. Jarang nak dgr suara dia menangis2.
Senang nak bawa travel. How did we get so lucky? Alhamdulillah….and thank you Ayman, tak pernah susahkan ibu dan abah..
Oklah tu je I can think of for now. Till next updates
~ ibu ayman ~
Its been a while
Last weekend we went balik kampung to Kampung Chenderah, Jasin Melaka. A 3 1/2 hour journey from JB. I am sure by now Ayman is now determined that home means inside the car. We've been road tripping a lot lately, JB - Jasin - kL - and back again to JB.
Owh yes, we had such a wonderful and exciting holiday in Pantai Air Papan, Mersing during the Maulidur Rasul public holiday... we had a lot of fun there, jalan2 tepi pantai... seronok sgt mandi laut.... (^_^)
till the next road trip -
Owh yes, we had such a wonderful and exciting holiday in Pantai Air Papan, Mersing during the Maulidur Rasul public holiday... we had a lot of fun there, jalan2 tepi pantai... seronok sgt mandi laut.... (^_^)
till the next road trip -
Friday, January 16, 2009
Syukur pada Allah, semuanya dah selamat...
Our precious baby was born on Dec 14th, 2008 with weight 3.15 kg
we've agreed on a name for the little newborn, Ahmad Ayman Nasaie. Ahmad means - yang terpuji, Ayman - yang bertuah , Nasaie pula diambil sempena nama imam an-nasaie, seorang perawi hadis yang terkenal.. InsyaAllah, he will carry this name proudly.
Our lives have changed in ways I could never have imagined
Internet connection is poor unfortunately. Stay tuned for the birth story, akikah, baby 1st month development, coming up soon as I could find the time and signal (i am totally headache with celcom broadband poor signal!)
Love all, busy bees mum
Our precious baby was born on Dec 14th, 2008 with weight 3.15 kg
we've agreed on a name for the little newborn, Ahmad Ayman Nasaie. Ahmad means - yang terpuji, Ayman - yang bertuah , Nasaie pula diambil sempena nama imam an-nasaie, seorang perawi hadis yang terkenal.. InsyaAllah, he will carry this name proudly.
Our lives have changed in ways I could never have imagined
Internet connection is poor unfortunately. Stay tuned for the birth story, akikah, baby 1st month development, coming up soon as I could find the time and signal (i am totally headache with celcom broadband poor signal!)
Love all, busy bees mum
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