Monday, September 1, 2008

Salam Ramadhan -01/09/08-

In conjunction with the coming of Ramadhan, allow me to wish u all Ramadan Mubarak. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Sama2 kita perbanyakkan amalan, mudah-mudahan mendapat

May we be blessed with peace and prosperity, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More of our story

assalamualaikum / good day to all

since i have nothing to post in this week, therefore i'd like to share my all time favourite song,

~~~ EVERYDAY I LOVE YOU, by Boyzone ~~~

I'd like to dedicate this beautiful song to my everdearest husband- SYG-

I don't know, but i believe
that some thing are meant to me
and that you'll make a better me
everyday i love you

i never thought that dreams came true
but you showed me that they do
you know that i learn something new
everyday i love you

'coz i believe that destiny
is out of our control (don't you know that i do)
and you'll never live until you love
with all your heart and soul

it's a touch when i feel bad
it's a smile when i get mad
all the little things i am
everyday i love you

everyday i love you

everyday i love you more

If i asked would you say yes?
together we're the very best
i know that i am truly blessed
everyday i love you
and i'll give you my best

Everyday i love you

a little bit of my
life updates:

++ Reading Mode in the house ++

i'm now in the mids of reading Shopaholic Ties the Knot, again by Sophie Kinsella...
thanks to syg, he's so generous buying me few shopaholic series.
suatu hari tu, saya dpt parcel postage from uk.... surprise2...hehehe, hubby telah hadiahkan 2 novels. ~~Can you keep a secret & Shopaholic Ties the knot~~
sy sgt happy bila dpt buku tu, (^_^)
dia mcm tahu2 jer yg saya ni suka sgt dgn novel Sophie...
dlm dia dok busy study and finishing his aerodynamic thesis, dia cuba juga utk luangkan masa looking for my favourite books at ebay. once again, THANKS SYG!

++ Preparing breakfast for him++

yahoooooo, i managed to cook MEE JAWA for our breakfast on last week, ~ clap, clap ~
tak der ler sedap sgt mcm kat kedai tu, tp boleh laaa utk masuk perut kami berdua
resipi mee jawa ni sy cedok dr mesra resipi, nak try?? cari ler kat website mesra resipi tu eek

roti, biskut, lempeng, cereal are not in his list!
his daily menu is heavy breakfast.
nasi sejuk dgn lauk malam td pun dia akan cari kat dapur. hehehe... itu lah suami sy

setiap kali bangun pagi, saya mesti pening sikit nak fikir menu ape nak masak utk dia.
senang cerita, antara menu wajib sepanjang minggu ialah: nasi goreng, mee goreng, kuew tiau goreng, bihun sup, bubur ayam/daging, cokodok bilis, pisang goreng ataupun saya sediakan nasi berlauk kat dia...
bila tiba jer mood tahap malas sgt2, akan masak nasi terus- breaklunch!

hmmm, saya mesti akan cepat kesian bila dia ckp, "saya suka masakan isteri sy, sarah masak sedap"
bila dgr jer dia ckp mcm tu, terus sy bersemangat nak masak..hehehehe
tp....bila datang masa sy protes x nak masak sbb merajuk kat dia, dia akan cepat2 cakap, " kalau x makan, mati!" eeeei, gerammmm sgt2 dgn ayat dia tu kan.

ok gudnite people, it allready 1142pm. time to do some laundry, preparing beds, and watching siaran tertunda beijing olympic games. ~ daag

bee hoon sup

i stuck for few minutes starting to write for this post. blurr ~~~
can u see the bee hoon soup? the food seems very dull aaa, wuaaaa :(

my story
bila habis jer masak, sy cepat2 hidangkan dan hias sikit2, nak suruh ler hubby kesayangan sy ni ambik gambar, but he keeps on delaying...buat2 lambat , bukan sekejap tau sy tunggu dia ambik gambar ni... sampai sejuk jg ler sup tu

ade jer komen, kondem & komplen dari dia, haa, ni antara kata2 yg sy msh ingat lg
" alaaaaaaaaa, setakat bee hon soup ni x yah ler letak kat blog, x gempak pun!"
sakit telinga saya dgr kata2 dia tu...
penat2 sy masak nak ler juga ambik gambar nyer, nak share dgn u all one of his favourite food
eeei, kalau sy tahu guna camera dia tu saya akan ambik sendiri gambar2 ni, x yah nak tunggu2 dia.
sy kurang minat sikit dgn DSLR camera ni, dah ler berat, nak setting itu ini pun lama...
terkial2 juge laa sy bila hubby dok ajar setting nikon d200 tu
tp tak per laaa, let him alone with his camera (^_^)

hari ni parcel lense camera dia baru sampai, ni dia dok adjust sana sini, bersihkan lense, cuci debu2 kat lense
bukan main syg lagi kat camera dia tu

ini laaa bee hoon sup yg dah sejuk, sejuk2 pun..tetap sedap yer..tambah2 lg ade sambal kicap,
bertambah2 sy & hubby makan
his & her food

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our first anniversary

Since I have an ample time for myself today, so i thought, may be I should blog a little bit more ..

***14.07.07 - 14.07.08***

I still can't believe that we've been married for a year. Pejam celik pejam celik dah setahun rupenya. We've gone thru so many difficulties and happy moments together and I believed the relationship has getting stronger and stronger, alhamdulillah.

I cant thank him enough for being very supportive & understanding. He has always been there for me no matter during the times of happiness & diffuculties.

Dinner at Thai Thani Restaurant, Rotterdam - 15/07/08 - a day after anniversary
we ordered fish cook with sweet sour sauce & tom yam campur
as for dessert we'd chose ice cream, gambo ice cream x dpt nak upload sbbnyer bila smp jer kat meja....kami dua2 cepat2 makan & habiskan

ambil gambar dulu sblm makan aaaaa, kalau ambik lps mkn ~~ makanan pun dah habis licin~~

~~~ Kinderdijk trip ~~~

Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome to reality

Assalamualaikum & good day people

I have always wanted to write on my life updates but have been delaying, delaying & delaying. We never realize how precious little time we have in a day until its gone, well... that is life.

I'm almost back

See the title, almost...?? I am now in 19 weeks of pregnancy, still in morning sickness fever, throwing up like a monster... ingatkan bila dah end of first trimester ni akan berkurang simpton2 pening - mual - muntah2 sampai lembik satu badan dan terus tersadai, tp rupa-rupanya dtg lagi! but going thru for almost 4 months, so far, its bearable, alhamdulillah

These few days have been very exciting and refreshing.

On last Saturday (26/08), we went to kak fiza & abang kamal's house in Delft for birthday party celebration of their beautiful daughter- Adrianna.

Before going to sleep on friday night, I searched at mesra resipi, - looking for dessert recipe. Have been trying to suit the recipe with the ingredients that i have in the kitchen, but seems like getting me nowhere :( blurrrrr

so dlm tgh pening2 fikir nak bawa manu ape ke rumah kak fiza esok, i quickly decide to prepare my hubby's favourite food - agar2 pandan (^_^) senang aje recipe ni...

Agar2 pandan

Masakkan agar2 dengan 5 cawan air & gula sampai mendidih.
dlm masa yg sama, ambik daun pandan dalam 10 helai mcm tu, potong kecil2 dan blend dgn air.
tapiskan pati pandan td dan masukkan ke dalam rebusan agar2.
bila rebusan agar2 td dah mendidih, cepat2 masukkan santan ( about 2 tin of coconut milk).
lps tu kacau sikit2 dan tunggu hingga mendidih.
bila dah mendidih tu, boleh laaa disejukkan

since my hubby x suka makanan yg manis2 ni, i try as possible to reduce the consumption of sugar in cooking.
Unfortunately, once we woke up the next morning --- slps agar2 itu disejukkan mlm td... daaaaaaaaa, manis bangat agar2 ni eh... malu pun ade nak bawa gi rumah kak fiza
wuaaaaaa, ni mesti sbb buat tgh2 malam masa tunggu nak masuk isyak.... kol 12pm lebih baru start rebus agar2! me yg makin lazy aaaaaaa
i feel very sorry for him,
kesian kat hubby, makan agar2 manis- next time sarah akan kurangkan gula, ok syg??

Reading mood

At home, if I'm not in front of my laptop I'd be carried away with Sophie Kinsella's - "Confessions of a Shopaholic"- Sometimes I was carried away too much that I slept 2 times in between reading one chapter. I'm not into reading ... but Sophie's shopaholic series are amazingly hilarious! (thumb's up).

I just finished reading one of her books - The Undomestic Goddess.
Berguling2 atas sofa dok baca novel ni, best sgt2! berangan diri ni jadi mcm Samantha Sweeting!

The story of a girl who needs to slow down,
To find herself,
To fall in love.
And to discover what an iron is for...

~~ Synopsis of the story~~ (quoted from

Samantha is a high-powered lawyer in London.
She works all hours, has no home life, and cares only about getting a partnership.
She thrives on the pressure and adrenalin.
Until one day, she makes a huge mistake that will wreck her career.

She walks right out of the office, gets on the first train she sees, and find herself in the middle of nowhere.
Asking for directions at a big, beautiful house, she is mistaken for the interviewee housekeeper and finds herself being offered the job.
They have no idea the've hired a Cambridge educated lawyer with an IQ of 158.
Samantha has no idea how to work the oven, she can't sew on a button, bake a potato, or get the ironing board to open.

But gradually, she falls in love with her new life in a wholly unexpected way.

How she takes a deep breath and begins to cope - and finds love - is a story as delicious as the bread she learns to bake.

Will her old life ever catch up with her? And if it does…will she want it back?

Well, I think this book has stayed with me in most happy ways.

Lps jer habis baca buku ni, i pun cerita laa balik kat hubby & dia terus response,
"citer ni mengarut, khayalan, x masuk akal - zaman skrg mane ade lawyer nak kahwin dgn gardener" hahhahaa.... syg jealous laaa tuh. anway, keep on writing Sophie! ~~~

banyak lg nak citer ttg The Undomestic Goddess ni, tp hubby selalu menyakat saya, dia sengaje jer nak sakitkan hati ... masa saya tgh syok baca ni laaa dia dok bising2 kata,

"Sophie Kinsella tu dah kaya raya, kiter apa dapat?? Gi baca quran tu, dapat pahala."
eeei, tahu laaa yg saya ni dah lama jg x baca quran... dok asyik Sophie, Sophie, Sophie....

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, gerammmmmmmmmmm betul dgn hubby saya ni.
apapun, saya tetap sayangkan hubby! he always makes me smile, dia selalu menghiburkan saya. ade saje idea dia utk buat saya ketawa....:D

ok need to pen off. I'll post about our first anniversary some other day okie. It was celebrated 2 weeks ago on Monday, July 14.

Have a lovely day people.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HeLLoooo Friedrichshafen

we're invited by one of our friends, - Lay Sean- to her housewarming party at Friedrichshafen on the next saturday, 15th march.

guest were served with ayam masak cola, sayur campur, begedil, puding jagung, kek buah, fruits, juices, etc -
hehe, on that day, saya agak kelam- kabut juga laa buat agar-agar marble untuk dibawa ke sana.
Kerana kesuntukan masa utk sejukkan agar2 dlm freeze, so saya pun buka tingkap besar2 dan sejukkan agar2 tu kat tepi tingkap (thanks to the cool weather)

birthday lay sean jatuhnya pd 13th march, iaitu 2 hari lps- suriani pula the birthday girl (15/03)
so saya nak ambil kesempatan ni utk wish happy birthday kat mereka berdua.
smg pjg umur, murah rezeki...aminnnnn

okeh, slps acara makan2 di rumah Lay Sean, kami pun beramai2 jalan di tepi tasik Friedrichshafen (constance lake)

aha, masa kami sampai jer kat tasik ni, pemandangan banjaran alps dapat dilihat dengan jelas sekali. tp sygnya, bila ambik gambar, x nampak pula..wuaaaaaa :(

another tgh berhati2 sbb takut terjatuh atas batu
1, 2, 3 - shot! us with all the gud friends - suriani, roslin, shah, shafiqe, lan, kelvin

makan ice-cream di tepi tasik (boleh tahan sejuk juga laaa makan kat luar kedai ni)-
sian kat hubby, dia x der kat dlm photo ni sbbnya busy ambik gambar kami makan2
this photo was taken by roslin. thanx ya!


helloooooooooo... assalamualaikum, ape khabar?
sajelah nak tanya khabar, harap2 semuanya dlm keadaan sihat selalu.

hmm, we'd spent our weekend on saturday, 8th march to CONSTANZE, which is about 2 hours by train from ulm.

ni nak cerita sikit ttg tasik yang terbesar di german, iaitu lake constance. It is also the third largest lake in central europe after lake balaton in hungary and lake geneva, and also the second largest of the lakes bordering the Alps.

pemandangan di lake constanze ni sangatlah cantik, cuba tengok gambar2 kat bawah ni.

perfect weather, perfect landscape, perfect lake @ beach( mcm laut pun ada tasik ni), perfect everything

mula-mula sampai kat constance, macam x percaya pun ade sbbnya tasik ni besar sangat - saya rasa mcm berada kat tepi laut jer. fresh air, beautiful landscape, relaxing atmosphere :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Menu of the week - chocolate cake


finally, i managed to bake a chocolate cake for hubby , yeeeee (^_^)
he had been asking for the cake since last 3 weeks, but then at that time, i still did not get the mood of baking anything until last monday night.

the recipe is very easy to make,
saya masih sempat tengok drama - impak maksima the series lagi masa tgh menunggu kek masak dlm oven, wink*(^_^)

so, this is the recipe.

pre-heat your oven at 180 degrees
[first bowl]melted and mixed 125g of butter+ blended with 5 eggs (putting one by one) + sugar +vanilla essence.
in a separate bowl, mixed the flour + baking powder (2 teaspoon) + cocoa powder (half cup)
then add in all the mixture flour to the first bowl
gradually we can add fresh milk so that the cake would be moist
at last, baked the cake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

saya x der gambar nak share kat sini, sbbnya sebaik shj kek tu masak, my hubby dah terus makan.....sedaaaaaaaaaaaap sgt, yumm yummmm
so kami pun makan laaa sama2 sambil sambung tengok drama impak maksima

Monday, March 10, 2008

Buai laju-lajuuu

Buai kaju-laju
sampai pokok sena
apa ada dalam baju
sekuntum bunga cina

yeeeeeee, seronoknya main buaian
it tooks about 5 minutes walking from our house to this playground

Friday, March 7, 2008

...cerita saya...

I am back to my laptop. The time now is 4.53 pm.

Initially i am thinking of finishing a story book that I bought since last 2 weeks, ~ The other side of the story, written by Marian Keyes. Tp tiba2 jd malas pulak dah eh nak baca buku.

Hubby keeps on complaining - "Dari minggu lepas lg saya tgk sarah asyik baca buku tu, muka surat tak byk berubah pun, x der improvement!".

so i responsed back to him, "ha...saya kene menghayati buku ni, nak kene bayangkan watak Gemma & her mum, therefore i've to read it up again & again, baru betul2 faham."

~ I always keep on telling myself, "on whatever u read, u must read until u understand" ~

Kalau sekadar membaca jer, x faham, buat ape, betul tak?

So, ape yg saya nak buat ni? Masa ni org lain tentunya tgh sibuk study, baca lecture notes, jurnal itu ini, buat assignment, study utk exams... saya? Sibuk update blog??

....mmm...Let me start my story today with snow in ulm.

It was snow in Ulm on the past few days. Can u believe that? I thought March is allready spring, but then ulm is still in winter mood ~ temperature is always freezing cold at 1, 2 , 3 degrees most of the time!

That day, we're walking freely under the snow. It seems like in Japanese drama -- winter sonata.

I asked hubby to take some photos, but then he just smiled and said “Mcm mana nak ambik gambar, kiter kan x der flash , snow mane boleh nampak mlm2 ni dlm gambar….”

Oh dear, I am getting mad at him already.

“Apesal pulak nak tunggu flash baru boleh ambil gambar?”

Actually he had been asking for my permission to buy a camera flash.
We'd been surveyed the flash at few camera shops in ulm, dan dlm byk2 flash kat kedai tu, he is very interested with one of the flash. NIKON CAMERA FLASH worth 350 euros!!

It is damp expensive and out of our budget. Apparently, the answer is NO-

Kesian kat hubby, dia mmg x senang duduk sejak sy beritahu x leh beli flash camera tu. Nak buat mcm mana syg, mahal is not worth to spend 350 euros for a camera flash!? am i right?

It is hard to say no to him …

Dia sgt minat
dgn photography - camera, lenses, are all his best friends. Tiap2 malam, after we'd our dinner, dia mesti duduk kat meja study, belajar utk edit gambar2 kami kat Photoshop...

He'd spend few hours in front
of the laptop just to edit the photos! Betapa minat & sukanya dia pd photography ni...

Well…sabar sikit yer SYG…mesti ade second hand flash camera kat ebay…kalau murah & masih berkualiti, kiter beli, ok?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Burg Hohenzollern

Hehe, our trip to Hohenzollern Castle was a very last minute plan. We went there on the following Saturday, 23 febr. As at 8 in the morning, we reached Ulm Houptbahnhof to get the inter city train to Hechingen. The journey from Ulm to Hechingen train station took us 2 hours.

well, that 2 hours excluded the time on waiting for the shuttle bus to the castle, climbing up the hills (kene jln kaki mendaki bukit + berpuluh-püluh tangga - aaaahhhh.....saya mmg tension masa ni, apesal laaaa raja german ni suka sgt bina istana atas gunung!) menyusahkan rakyat jelata!! nak tak nak, pujuk jer laaa hati utk teruskan naik bukit!

the path to the castle took us approximately 30 minutes walking from the car park. Hohenzollern castle, here we come!

hubby had taken a lot of photos but then most of them are still unedited.
hehe.. anyway, thanks to SYG, anywhere we go for a visit, he'd never forget to bring the tripod along, in that sense... we never miss taken our photos together, right? * wink--- (^_^)

mmm.... i would like to make a short note on this fairy tale castle which was constructed by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussian King and German Emperor.

Hohenzollern Castle

* Located on top of Swabian hill near Hechingen, south of Stuttgart.
* The castle offers a beautiful panoramic countryside views (Hechingen village) and landscape of every direction, with the variety of towers and castle courtyards.
* One of Germany's famous sites.
* The guided tour is only in Germany, however u can buy a book that contains the information of this castle at the ticket centre... and of course it is an English book, or else..mmg x faham pun!


At about 6 in the evening, we continue our journey to Stuttgart. It is among the busiest city as Stuttgart is the capital state of Baden-Wurtemberg in southern Germany.

I can say that this metropolitan city is similar to Oxford Street in London ataupun mcm Bintang Walk kat Kuala Lumpur. Ya Allah, ramainya org! mcm susah sgt nak jalan, asyik berlanggar bahu jer.

Stuttgart is popularly known of its Mercedes-Benz world. On a total area of approximately 17.000 sq.m. the Mercedes-Benz Museum shows around 160 vehicles on permanent display, including not only the earliest models but also the latest series production vehicles.

I can see that most of the people here are driving Mercedes and even the local taxis are also Merz!

The economic brief
(quoted from

* It is considered to be one of the most innovative metropolitan regions in Europe. Around 2.7 million people live here, 1.4 million people work here.

* Around 160,000 companies produce a gross domestic product of 90 billion Euros, which corresponds to that of Finland.

* The Stuttgart region has repeatedly been awarded with the "Award of Excellence for Innovative Regions" of the European Commission.

* Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Bosch, HP/Compaq Deutschland, IBM Deutschland, Agilent Technologies, and many more are among the brands that are well known all over the world.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Visiting to Neuschwanstein Castle

for more photos...jom tgk link ni, ok?


hellooooooo.....may all of u be in good health & imaaan. Sorry everybody for the long silence! it has been 3 months since we last updated this blog in November 2007.

Well, today after we had our lunch together @ the university, hubby spent around 15 minutes, guiding me to update this blogspot. we go.

i would like to share our trip to Neuschwanstein Castle on February 16. It was a very smooth journey all the way, i guess most people prefer to rest at home during weekend.

Anyway, we reached Fussen at about 10 am. It was an enjoyable journey indeed (beautiful scenery - alps, lake, countryside view) naik train, tukar train, naik bus..jalan kaki lagi nak ke castle...naaah... the path to the castle took us about 40 minutes walking!

penat jln kaki tu sikit jer, yg geram nyer...asyik kebas kaki sbb sejukkkkk sangat! hubby is all de time busy with his nikon camera while i was left behind (sayang sgt kat camera dia tuuuuu). i've to stop for every 10 minutes - dah kebas kaki jer, so masuk laaa ke souvenir shop to get the warming of heater :D

Neuschwanstein Castle ~~~The Castle of the fairy-tale king~~~ short of Schloss Neuschwanstein --- as I quoted from Wikipedia:
* It is located on a mountain top in Germany, near Hohenschwangau and Füssen in southwest Bavaria.

* The palace was built by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as a homage to Richard Wagner, the King's inspiring muse.

* It is the most photographed building in Germany and is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations.

* The palace was the inspiration for the Cinderella and the Sleeping Beauty fairytale castles in several establishments of Disneyland.

* In 2007, it was a finalist in the selection of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

the outside scenery view of the castle is very impressive. mcm dlm mimpi jek! It is true that King Ludwig II is a great nature lover. panoramic view of alpsse lake, mountain, beautiful castle... alahai, mmg mcm dlm buku walt disney fairy-tale- cinderella, rapunzel, snow white, beauty & the beast..ape lg eek?

The castle is magnificent of course but the most magical part is the setting. the paintings were amazing! betul2 mcm dlm movie... mmmmmm, sayangnyer...kami x leh ambik gambar kat dlm castle....public photography of the interior is not permitted.

If you can go in the winter, do so. yg penting kene tahan sejuuukkk. The mountains are so stunning and the castle so well situated, that we will want to go back again and again. - thats the story of enchanted Neuschwanstein castle!

well, i need to pen off now. lps ni nak gi supermarket dgn hubby.. sayur dlm freeze pun dah hampir habis.

ok, wishing u a happy weekend -i hope that you all had a great time with your loved ones!